Building Better Businesses Interview

by | Podcast

Better Businesses Being Built

In this blog post, we’re delving into a podcast interview I gave with Shakeena Johnson, of JSR Vision, her consulting company, on quite a few topics related to digital marketing for business growth.

If Shakeena’s name sounds familiar to readers of this blog it’s because I also interviewed her for my own podcast, Rebooting Business.

You can watch that interview at YouTube or on BitChute.

In my guest interview on Shakeena’s podcast, Building Better Businesses, some of the topics we discuss are:

  • The importance of getting back to basics to define what a long-term, worthwhile plan will look like.
  • Playing the long game.
  • The benefits of knowing your audience.
  • Facing your fears directly and learning from failures.
  • Finding your ideal target audience so you can speak to their specific needs.
  • Seeing where you’re headed before you leap.


Give it a listen and, as always, let me know what questions you may have afterward by leaving me a voice message or dropping me a line at X or Facebook.

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