Conscious Capitalism and Lasting Organizational Change with Johanna Lyman

by | Podcast


The Future of Leadership

In this episode of Rebooting Business I interview Johanna Lyman, who is the Principal Consultant and Practice Leader for Culture and Inclusion of Kadabra SJLC.

Discussing Concious Capitalism & C-Suite Leadership

Some of the questions and topics we discuss are:
  1. Joanna’s background and professional experience prior to starting her company.
  2. How do you define services your business provides to business owners and to what types of business owners?
  3. To what extent would they help with project management as opposed to team coaching or reorganizational assistance?
  4. How do you differentiate the different types and levels of services?
  5. What exactly is lean management and why is it such a popular term? What does that term mean to you and why? How does it work?
  6. How do you differentiate lean management overall from general more traditional forms of project management, and how do you break that down on a daily basis in terms of what should be happening at an NPO or startup or small local service provider or law firm?
  7. How do you separate team collaboration from coaching, teambuilding, and where does diversity training and inclusiveness fit in?
  8. On the topic of inclusiveness, has the openness for diversity training and greater inclusivity increased following the murder of George Floyd? How can managers and owners better manage cultural barriers?
  9. What can small business owners and startup founders and service providers and NPOs learn from what is going on in the world today and apply it?
  10. What’s most important to a business today in light of changes as opposed to the individual?
  11. What is conscious capitalism to her? What does that entail?
  12. How has your business changed with the advent of COVID-19 and what challenges has your business had to face? Where do you envision things headed? Are you offering more online or doing more face-to-face work but PPE or something different entirely and why?
  13. What do you feel most business owners should be doing now to better prepare for uncertain economic times or social unrest or….just planning long-term?
  14. Where do you see the roles of social media, SEO, content marketing, website use in the future? Do you see that changing at all and if so why?
  15. Any closing thoughts?
  16. How can others reach out or learn more?


    Summing Up

    Johanna describes herself as a dynamic, energetic Leadership and Culture coach and consultant with nearly 30 years of experience of leadership development and culture change.

    To enjoy our interview check out the audio or video versions below.

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