Corporate Team Building and Bonding

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In a past episode of Rebooting Business I interviewed corporate team building consultant David Goldstein about what team building is, and how his company has adapted to changing times.

Included in Our Discussion of Corporate Team Building

Some of the topics we discussed covered issues ranging from David’s company all the way to best practices and common issues. Here’s an overview:

  • How and why David formed his company Team Bonding
  • What his company provides and how he differentiates himself from competitors by offering more malleable solutions in addition to offering improve workshops to address diversity and inclusion.
  • We also touch on misconceptions about team building and whether or not team building could help with political stalemates or inaction.

My List of Questions

Listed below are some questions I asked David, and that we discussed in more depth:

  1. His experience and background and how he came to start his current business.
  2. What challenges he encountered along the way since starting the business in 1988.
  3. Why team building and what team building means specifically to him.
  4. What types of companies would you say team building would be most relevant to and why?
  5. Let’s talk team building. During a global pandemic, economic turmoil that rivals the Great Depression of the thirties, political unrest, and certainly social upheaval – how do you make team building relevant to the businesses that need it the most? How do you “sell” team building as a necessity, as an investment, and not another bill, especially now given what’s happening across the country?
  6. How do businesses receptive to team building and in need of team building budget effectively for it?
  7. For those of us familiar with corporate teambuilding, what would you say are the most common misconceptions about it, where those are inaccurate and then how traditional forms of team building can be lacking and what can be done to make it more impactful and beneficial long-term?
  8. How do you implement relevant team building during a pandemic? Can you do it physically while distancing and wearing masks safely? If so, how and has it been tested? Secondly, how do you put team building to work online logistically and could you detail any examples or how it could be done?
  9. When you work with a company to create a corporate team building event, how much pre-planning do you require with specific company executives or department heads and how has requests declined due to the economy – if at all?
  10. Diversity and inclusion – how can team building become more inclusive even to companies lacking diversity and how can team building work in topics relevant to inclusion?
  11. What approaches he takes to team building that a) differentiates him from others offering similar fare and b) what tools and approaches he uses and why.
  12. What are some of your most popular team building events or event types and why?
  13. In what ways do you think team building and what it represents could help American society right now?
  14. If you could put together “dream” or ideal team building events for Washington politicians what would that look like?
  15. Do you think team building principals could apply directly or indirectly to the US pandemic response and if so how?
  16. Does team building play a role in rebooting and rebuilding a business?
  17. Any final thoughts?
  18. How can listeners or viewers reach you to learn more?

Check It Out

To watch our interview on YouTube or Bitchute or listen to the audio version please visit the appropriate links provided.

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