Echo Chambers

by | Culture

Your Voice, Mine, or Someone Else’s?

When we communicate with others, whatever our personal preferences and professional aptitudes and Unique Selling Proposition (a marketing term used to denote the area in which our idiosyncratic predispositions, what a given vertical segment needs, demographic markets, and passion for creative expression all intersect) are, if the only voices we hear are our own and that same voice repeated back to us, our marketabilty and ultimately our ability to grow as people are summarily flummoxed.


No person (much less business owner) can exhort their USP in a vacuum for very long. In digital marketing one of the tools in our toolbox to reach other, fresh perspectives and voices is SEO. SEO allows us to expand into new markets through the use of our voice. Echo chambers create an absence of scope. Eventually that limited audience slowly loses relevance and opportunity, like a river flowing through increasingly arid lands.

We have to be what we are, which at our core as humans are social beings, seeking new opinions and outlooks so as to not suffer intellectual atrophy. Diversity of views, freely expressed, aids us in connecting to others whom we might not otherwise have.

Diversity is called “the spice of life” not for solely superficial reasons but for the depth in understanding it affords, which in turn builds growth.

In communicating your USP and in living a fulfilling life overall. Hearing others’ songs, whether brittle and out of tune, or resonant and fine-tuned, lets us as a species adapt and stretch mindsets.

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