Entrepreneurial Balance with Savannah Blake

by | Podcast

In this episode of Rebooting Business, I talk with holistic healder and coach Savannah Blake to discuss overcoming shyness, finding your strength and unique voice, speaking it, and getting to the core of who you are and what sets you apart from a seemingly-endless sea of competitors.

Some of the topics we discuss include:

  • Her own story and background.
  • You talked on your site about being very shy and feeling awkward. Why do you think you felt that way? When you talked about nothing being definitive isn’t part of that counterproductive or no?
  • How entrepreneurs and their families and businesses can stay healthy and focused during tumultuous times.
  • The “I was terrified of social media” blog post…what happened and why and how your views changed.
  • Meditation’s role in improving approaches to life/work balance, focus, creativity, discipline.
  • On your site when you talk about helping clients you actually have a pretty thorough outline of what you cover. Can you go over that briefly with each segmented offering? What does each area exactly cover?
  • Firstly you talk about 3 pillars. So how did you arrive at the 3 pillars first of all? Secondly, can we get into the 3 pillars and their sub-sections?
  • Some of those sections and sub-sections incldue working out where we’re going, our ideal targeted life, why, comparing that to where we are presently
  • What’s standing between us and achieving our desired goals.
  • And much more.
  • Finally, we tie up our discussion with how viewers and listeners can get in touch to learn more.






Savannah Blake is a holistic healer, birth doula, and coach online at https://earthandwater.co.




And, you can groove to even more episodes of my Rebooting Business podcast below.

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