Facebook Advertising Interview

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Facebook Advertising with Cody May

In this episode of the Digital Marketing Solutions podcast, I talk with Cody May, of Studio PTBO, a mid-levle marketing agency in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

Some of the topics we discuss are:

  1. Professional background and experience
  2. How he came to his current level of experience and comfort level.
  3. How he came to work at Studio PTBO in Canada.
  4. As the Video and Marketing Director how he works with distributed teams, remote staff contractors, and in-house employees and staff and delegating workload.
  5. How he interacts with company founders and co-founders on a daily basis, what a typical day looks like for him.
  6. What is a typical day like for him and how has it changed since COVID-19 both industry-wise and locally?
  7. How do you see that changing or not changing in the forseeable future?
  8. What systems and processes do you use to stay lean and work in an organized on-task way?
  9. What sets you apart from other industry competitors, your unique selling proposition or viewpoint?
  10. How does Studio PTBO help with lead generation and what do you think is the single most effective means by which to reach a very specific, niched customer base?
  11. How can small busness owners and even mid-sized enterprise business owners better ensure they get tangible ROI from digital marketing projects?
  12. How can they budget more efficiently and find the right agency or independent contractor?
  13. What is the foundation of email marketing efficiency and how does that tie into sales processes, onboarding, and reaching more of the right types of customers who want what you’re offering?
  14. How do all those factors coordinate into Facebook advertising that actually works as opposed to throwing rice at the wall and hoping some of it will stick? What are metrics we should look for and why? How do business owners or even developers who aren’t familiar with FB advertising ensure they achieve traction?
  15. Final points and contact information.



Cody is a Managing Partner at StudioPTBO, a full service marketing agency that helps businesses attract more leads, automate their marketing and close more clients.

His agency specializes in the areas of Facebook & Instagram Lead Generation, Custom Website Design, Videography and Graphic Design.


Cody has been an active member inside of Cat Howell’s Platinum Mastermind and has also had the opportunity to be a guest coach inside of Digital Distillery Pro (Formerly FATC).

Watch or listen to our interview below.

You can also watch this informative interview on BitChute.

You can listen to the audio version of our interview using the links below as well.

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