Five Roadblocks You Need to Avoid in Your Business

by | Podcast


The Five Roadblocks to Business Growth

I was interviewed on the “Winning Tactics” podcast (here are the audio and video links) and asked to discuss five roadblocks business owners need to avoid in their marketing if they’re going to be able to achieve their desired goals easily.

As you might imagine from having had over 25 years’ experience in marketing (probably more if I really want to slow down and actually count the years), it wasn’t difficult to review what I’d seen so often play out.


The Five

To summarize the main points, we discussed what those five major roadblocks to growth so many businesses encounter when getting started with overall marketing and digital marketing specifically in detail, and those five headlining roadblocks were:

  1. Lack of a marketing plan at all
  2. Not using a marketing plan that effectively addresses online marketing and the elements that make it achieve desired outcomes (SEO, eCommerce, User Experience, Content Marketing, Content Repurposing and Distribution, PPC, and Responsive Design).
  3. Budgeting for tangible results (citing the U.S. Small Business Administration’s rule of ten percent at its most base level)
  4. Outsourcing based on price, not on value
  5. Not seeing digital marketing (and of course all the seemingly disconnected elements that go into making giving it the “teeth” it needs) as a process, but as a single “one and done” item that may or may not have separate cogs of the machine when it is a professional service requiring time and planning to execute.

Learn More In-Depth

If you’d like to really dig down into each of these roadblocks so you can fully understand them, and their impact on business growth (or lack thereof), you might enjoy listening to my interview or watching the video.

Below are links to watch or listen to our discussion as we delve into these five roadblocks in much greater depth.


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