Illustrated Guide to Digital Marketing
Super Freelance Jobs List

Free Downloads for New Subscribers!


New subscribers to my blog can download both The Illustrated Guide to Digital Marketing as well as The Super Freelance Jobs List!

Let’s break down each one of the guides for you:



The Illustrated Guide to Digital Marketing


If you’re a business owner ready to learn how digital marketing can revolutionize your business’ growth and expansion into new markets, this in-depth guide is for you.

We cover everything profit-focused business owners need to know in order to truly capitalize on digital marketing.

In this ebook you’ll learn:

  • How to easily estimate digital marketing budgets for any type of business need
  • How to manuever past the most common roadblocks business owners regularly face in trying to use digital marketing
  • How to use eCommerce in ways your competitors can’t even imagine
  • How to combine traditional marketing with digital marketing to build a winning strategy that can’t lose
  • The differences between funnel design and landing pages and how they’re different from websites
  • How to create and nurture your own brand
  • How to create content your customers want and need
  • How to never run out of exciting content and do it easily
  • The deep psychological factors that stop most business owners in their tracks from ever being able to move forward with digital marketing and how to overcome them
  • Real world case studies and examples
  • All this and more!


By the time you’re done reading, you’ll also know how project development works, how design decisions are made, and ultimately, how to use digital marketing to elevate your business above competitors.


The Super Freelance Jobs List


The Super Freelance Jobs List is the perfect guide for freelancers and digital marketers eager to build a profitable independent lifestyle.

In this ebook, we provide multiple freelance employment listings along with insider tips to save time, energy, and help propel you forward.

Ready to boost your business into a more competitive space?

I’ve got it covered!

Want more reliable freelance work more often?



You’ve Got Next!


Now the ball’s in your court!

Subscribe today and benefit from these two invaluable special offers!


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