Getting Started with Google Analytics

by | Digital Marketing

Google Analytics Reports Explained


Google Analytics is a very well-known, established, powerful tool that provides valuable insights into the performance of your website; from helping you see which pages or blog posts are most visited all the way to listing performance issues. Google Analytics (or “GA” for short amongst SEO developers) reports your SEO data to the most minute details to broad overviews.

However, if you’re new to the platform, it can be overwhelming to navigate the various reports and metrics.

In this blog post, we’ll go over the major parts of a Google Analytics report and provide tips on how to read and analyze them.

Audience Overview

The Audience Overview report is where you’ll get an idea of who your website visitors are. This information is vital if one of the goals of your website is to attract a specific type of consumer or visitor over general internet browsers.

You can find out how many visitors your website has received, how long they stay on your website, and how many pages or blog posts they visit.

Additionally, you can learn about your audience’s demographics, such as age, gender, location, and interests.

Acquisition Overview

The Acquisition Overview report shows you how people found your website. You can find out if visitors came from search engines, social media, or other websites. Additionally, you can learn about the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by tracking the number of visitors who came to your website via a specific campaign.

Behavior Overview

The Behavior Overview report provides insight into how visitors interact with your website. You can see which pages are the most popular, how long visitors spend on each page, and how often they return to your website. Additionally, you can track the effectiveness of your website’s content by analyzing the bounce rate, which is the percentage of visitors who leave your website after only viewing one page.

Conversions Overview

The Conversions Overview report is where you’ll see how successful your website is at converting visitors into customers or subscribers. You can track the number of completed purchases, the number of leads generated, and the conversion rate. Additionally, you can track the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns by analyzing the conversion rate for each campaign.

Analyzing Your Google Analytics Report


Specific Goals

Before analyzing your Google Analytics report, it’s important to have specific goals in mind so you know what you’re looking for and what’s most relevant. For example, if you’re running an eCommerce website, your goal may be to increase the number of completed purchases. Having specific goals will help you focus on the metrics or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs for short) that matter most. Here’s a great post from Search Engine Journal to further elucidate that point.

Monitor Changes

While it’s important to focus on specific metrics, it’s also important to monitor changes over time. By comparing your current metrics to previous months or years, you can identify trends and make adjustments to your website or marketing campaigns.

Use Google Analytics Segments

Segments allow you to analyze a specific subset of your website’s visitors. For example, you can create a segment of visitors who came from a specific marketing campaign or visitors who made a purchase on your website. This will allow you to analyze specific groups of visitors and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Summing Up

In conclusion, Google Analytics is definitely a powerful SEO tool that can provide valuable insights into the performance (and potential ROI) of your website.

By understanding the major parts of a GA report and following the tips outlined in this blog post, you can make informed decisions to improve your website’s performance and increase conversions.

If you’re interested in taking your knowledge of GA much further here are some free online courses you could take:


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