Getting Started with Help A Reporter Out (HARO)

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Getting Started with HARO

HARO, or Help A Reporter Out, is a platform that connects journalists directly experts in specific fields, enabling journalists to easily find sources for their articles and experts to showcase their knowledge and expertise to a wider audience. It’s yet another great potential marketing tool that (some) business owners, founders, and entrepreneurs could use to build authority and expand into markets they might not otherwise ever have exposure in.

So let’s get started exploring what HARO is, how it works, who it is ideal for, and how using it can boost publicity and exposure. We will also present several case studies to illustrate the benefits of using HARO.

What is HARO?

HARO is a platform founded in 2008 by Peter Shankman, a well-known entrepreneur and journalist. The platform enables journalists and bloggers to find sources for their articles, while also allowing experts to showcase their knowledge and expertise. The platform works by sending out three daily emails to subscribers, each containing a list of queries from journalists looking for sources for their articles. Experts can then respond to these queries and potentially be featured in the journalist’s article.

How Does HARO Work?

HARO is a free platform for journalists and experts to use. Journalists can sign up for the service and submit queries for sources for their articles. These queries are then sent out in three daily emails to subscribers who have signed up to receive them. Experts can then respond to these queries with their information, and if their response is selected by the journalist, they can be featured in the journalist’s article. In return, sources get the opportunity to be featured in major publications and receive exposure for their business. Being featured in a news story, feature story, or entertainment story in a major publication can also provide authoritative links for your website, which in turn can boost SEO and provide discussion material to pitch to podcast hosts and showcase on a testimonials website page, and provide content that can cited during lectures and workshops.

Who is HARO Ideal For?

HARO is ideal for journalists and bloggers looking for sources for their articles, as well as experts who want to showcase their knowledge and expertise to a wider audience. It is especially useful for small businesses, startups, and individuals who do not have a large marketing budget but still want to increase their exposure and build their brand.

How Using HARO Can Boost Publicity and Exposure

Using HARO can boost publicity and exposure for businesses and individuals in several ways. First, being featured in a journalist’s article can help establish the expert as a thought leader in their field, increasing their credibility and exposure. Second, being featured in an article can also lead to increased traffic to the expert’s website or social media channels, which can lead to more leads and sales. Finally, being featured in an article can also lead to increased visibility and exposure, as the article may be shared on social media or picked up by other media outlets.

Case Studies

Here are a few examples of businesses and individuals who have successfully used HARO to boost their publicity and exposure:

Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web, a company that sells CBD products, used HARO to be featured in an article on Forbes. The article highlighted the benefits of CBD and featured a quote from Charlotte’s Web’s CEO. The article led to increased traffic to Charlotte’s Web’s website and increased visibility for their brand.

James L. McQuivey

James L. McQuivey, an author and expert on digital transformation, used HARO to be featured in an article on CNBC. The article highlighted the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the digital transformation of businesses. The article led to increased exposure for McQuivey and helped establish him as a thought leader in his field.

Lou Carlozo

Lou Carlozo, a freelance writer, used HARO to find sources for an article on penny stocks for Forbes. The article led to increased visibility for Carlozo and helped establish him as a reputable source for financial information.


DivvyHQ is a content planning and production platform that used HARO to gain exposure in the media. By responding to queries on topics related to content planning and strategy, DivvyHQ was quoted in several prominent publications, including Forbes and Business Insider. As a result, their brand recognition and credibility increased, leading to increased traffic and sales on their website.

Tom Ewer

Tom Ewer is a freelance writer and blogger who used HARO to establish himself as an expert in his field. By responding to queries on topics related to freelance writing and blogging, Tom was quoted in several prominent publications, including The Huffington Post and Entrepreneur. This exposure helped Tom gain new clients and increase his income as a freelance writer.

Dr. James Pinckney

Dr. James Pinckney is a medical doctor who used HARO to gain exposure in the media for his medical practice, Diamond Physicians. By responding to queries on topics related to healthcare and medicine, Dr. Pinckney was quoted in several prominent publications, including USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. This exposure helped him establish his practice as a leader in the field of concierge medicine and attract new patients.


HARO is a valuable tool for journalists, bloggers, and experts looking to increase their exposure and build their brand. By responding to queries from journalists, experts can be featured in articles, increasing their visibility and establishing them as thought leaders in their field. HARO is ideal for small businesses, startups, and individuals who do not have a large marketing budget but still want to increase their exposure.



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