Internet Marketing Cost Effectiveness

by | Digital Marketing


Is internet marketing cost effective?

Before we answer that question, let’s define what internet marketing is and what it is not.

What Internet Marketing (Also Known As Digital Marketing or Online Marketing) Is

Internet marketing is promoting an existing and stable business using the internet while also using internet-based tools to consolidate overhead operations.

This means you’re using modern internet marketing, whether you prefer to call it online marketing or digital marketing, to build up a business. This is not spinning out a generic website template for the cost of a meal out and expecting it to magically make your phone ring overnight (which never happens). This is embracing web-based technology in much the same way companies such as Walt Disney or Google use the internet to build their brand, attract new customers, and generate more profits.

Digital marketing includes (but is not necessarily limited to):

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Branded Email Marketing/Marketing Automation
  • Branded Content Marketing
  • Branded Social Media Marketing
  • Pay Per Click (PPC)
  • Affiliate Marketing Done Carefully
  • Native Advertising
  • Online PR
  • Inbound Marketing

What Internet Marketing Is Not

Internet marketing is not for business owners or entrepreneurs who are not committed, cheap, broke, addicted to a poverty mentality (and you’ll know it if you say things such as “we could never afford….” or “that’s just too expensive!!”).

It’s not for those who think the internet is a fad, who don’t understand why anyone would advertise a business online, or why DIY template generators are for hobbyists and not real business owners. It’s not for those with businesses they won’t invest in financially or can’t invest in financially.

If a few thousand dollars is too much to invest in order to make back triple or quadruple that amount six to twelve months later, while doubling or quadrupling that amount again a few months after that, digital marketing is not where you want to go.

So Does Internet Marketing Work?

Statistically, on a repeated basis, digital marketing delivers more and greater Returns On Investment (ROI) than all other forms of more traditional, offline marketing combined, which is why every marketing agency in America also offers some extent of digital marketing in their offerings…or go out business.

How do I know? First of all, the results bear fruit, every time, where there is serious commitment and engagement. Secondly, statistical data supports the obvious that digital marketing works – and not just for larger businesses with more capital to invest.

How Digital Marketing Is Most Commonly Used

Most marketing and advertising agencies that provide digital marketing services outsource this, as it’s a “newer” service arena than most older agencies can accommodate or keep pace with, but what profitable business does not want to be at the top of Google, or does not want to be able take payments online? Only those that don’t like money.

Yes, there are many small business owners who balk at investing in digital marketing for growth, but by extension this is one of the reasons (among others) that most small businesses sink before they reach three years of age.

If you are willing to invest in digital marketing for growth, work with experienced professionals and work from a structured marketing plan, you’re more likely to grow faster.

Many business owners are not willing to do this or not able to do this due to denial or lack of information.

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