Nonprofit Digital Marketing with Mickey Desai

by | Podcast

Nonprofit Digital Marketing?

In this blog post, here is my two-part interview with the host of the Nonprofit Snapcast podcast, Mickey Desai, where we discuss what nonprofit organizations should know prior to engaging in digital marketing so they can attract the returns on investment they need to grow, how to avoid “DOA” projects that can’t deliver, and the role passion plays in NPO growth.

Nonprofit Digital Marketing Marketing with Teeth

Here are the links in case they don’t display or load properly below:

  1. Digital Marketing and Digital Issues with David Somerfleck Part 1
  2. Digital Marketing and Digital Issues with Davi Somerfleck Part 2


And here’s a bonus episode where we discussed whether or not nonprofits can be bootstrapped for free (because God knows enough are trying).

Here’s my take on that common negotiation tactic: here.

And finally, here is where I was interviewed on the topic as to whether or not nonprofit organizations can bootstrap digital marketing for free.

Of course, the question presupposes the NPO is broke or simply sees no value in digital marketing whatsoever. That takes us right back to the stages of digital marketing denial that I’ve written about elsewhere in this blog.

Digital Marketing and Stages of Denial

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