Tactics Over Tools, Every Time

by | Digital Marketing


When I write blog posts about digital marketing and all that goes into making it up (SEO, eCommerce, content and content marketing, User Experience, design, SMS advertising and so on), potential clients or even some current clients tend to focus more on what I call “bright shiny object syndrome.”


This is where, like ADD, it’s more exciting to want to use the latest new tool, a means to an end at best, than using what we know works, works well, achieves our end toward a larger purpose, and staying on that clear path toward the larger goal.

Now, far be it for me to say that I don’t fall into that trap from time to time, because I do. Yet, if you’re a business owner, consultant, or entrepreneur of any kind, wanting to expand into new markets and reach greater profitability, it’s vital to remember that tools can only get you so far until you realize there’s actually work that needs to get done.

The Two

While we need a website for a business so we can be found at the top of Google search results (if we are doing it correctly), take payments, schedule consultations or appointments, process important information (using e-signature when necessary and legal of course), so we can get more done in less time, while bringing in newer and more leads hand over fist, spending time with the new “flavor of the week” trinkets such as a snazzy new website plugin that lets us quiz visitors or play a flashy game…if it does not serve the larger purpose of need, than it has to go.

Found a new booking calendar with cool colorful animations that seems to work okay? That’s okay, because I have one already that works and I don’t have to spend hours figuring out.

Met someone at a networking event who convincely tells you s/he can “fix” your website and make it look more sexy or attract more visitors magically overnight? Not so fast! If your company website ranks on the first page of local Google search results pages (also called SERPs for short), you’re doing much, much better than 99% of small business owners out there today who are largely invisible to search results completely!

So, let’s always remember to set organized S.M.A.R.T. Goals (goals that are Specific, Measurable, Achieveable, Realistic, and Time-bound) and then put those goals together into a single, unified “action plan” that keeps us on-track daily and uninterested in chasing bright, shiny objects.


SMART Goals by David

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