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Results for "seo"

Screening & Onboarding Freelance Clients

Screening and onboarding freelance clients is a crucial part of a freelancer career. In this post, we discuss the need and value in taking these two steps and how to begin putting a process in place to work with better clients and in the process create more valuable outcomes for both parties.

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Does My Business Need a Website

Does my business need a website? It’s a common question and the answer is pretty simple for those who want to hear it. In this blog post, I explain what you need to know.

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Church Marketing

Church marketing is not something most people in a church ever think of and something usually relegated to “later” even for church staff. In this post we discuss the need to take marketing seriously if a church is to increase congregation size and ways to go about achieving active, real growth safely and sincerely.

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Content Repurposing Explained

Content repurposing is an advanced marketing strategy few business owners and entrepreneurs use. Here’s what it is, how it works, and how it benefits you.

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Hiring a Digital Marketer

Hiring a digital marketer can be easy or complicated, depending on your level of experience with marketing and the value you place on achieving desired outcomes. In this post, we discuss what to look for and why.

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Digital Marketing: Cost, Value, and Price

Digital marketing, its cost, value, and price, are discussed in depth and differentiated so you an see how each varies and why. Important read if you’re ready to invest in digital marketing for business growth.

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