Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

The Lure of DIY Marketing Many business owners, whether non-profit in structure or for-profit business enterprises, often take an unintentionally haphazard approach to marketing, and more specifically online marketing, not knowing how (or if) their efforts could...
Ghosting and Lead Generation

Ghosting and Lead Generation

Ghosts and Lead Generation Ghosting, a relatively new slang colloquialism referring to the act of not showing up for scheduled business meetings, jobs, (and more commonly, dates), often intersects (however faded membranal gray it may be) with attempted lead...
Cart Before the Horse

Cart Before the Horse

Why businesses race to begin rather than begin to race. After working with hundreds if not thousands of small-to-medium businesses over the course of (well over) twenty years, many of which included nonprofits and institutions such as private colleges, manufacturers,...
Ghosting and Lead Generation

Echo Chambers

Your Voice, Mine, or Someone Else’s? When we communicate with others, whatever our personal preferences and professional aptitudes and Unique Selling Proposition (a marketing term used to denote the area in which our idiosyncratic predispositions, what a given...
Ghosting and Lead Generation

Narcissism’s Rise

Dark Personalities Narcissists from a clinical perspective are people who lack empathy while bolstering inflated perceptions of importance and combine that with an overwhelming need for adoration. They can be charming, charismatic, and in business, exceedingly...
Cart Before the Horse

Your Unique Selling Proposition

Finding Your Unique Selling Proposition Matters   Theodore Levitt, a German economist and professor at Harvard Business School who wrote “Creativity Is Not Enough” and a course textbook on marketing is famous for opining that “differentiation is one of the most...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Facebook Pages Are Not Websites. Here’s Why.

A Facebook Page Is Not the Same As a Website Most business owners and entrepreneurs new to digital marketing will often consider having a Facebook page as the equivalent of an actual business website. While having a Facebook page is good, and obviously you’d want to...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Gravity Forms for Contact Forms, eCommerce, and More

What is Gravity Forms? Many people (mostly other WordPress developers) know about Gravity Forms. What is Gravity Forms? It’s essentially a plugin (think “app for WordPress websites”) that allows WordPress website developers (and it may work for other types of Content...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Ethics in Web Design

Ethics in Web Design? Really? To the average business owner (or for that matter the average website developer), the topic of ethics can be a new concept because we are surrounded by get rich quick schemes, Do-It- Yourself freebie template builder services that promise...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Website Design Standards

Design Standards in Website Development   Often when discussing project development with programmers and designers who are new to working with clients, I’ll hear stories of clients requesting seemingly arbitrary design changes based on hunches or feelings, such...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Landing Page Versus Funnel Design

Landing Page Vs. Funnel Page When it comes to taking advantage of landing pages and funnel pages, it’s imperative that we first know the differences between the two, how each is used and for what circumstances, and what’s required to use each one so we don’t waste...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

When Website Conversions Do Not Count

  Website Conversions In digital marketing, website conversions are instances in which someone visits a website and as a result of what they experience in that company website decide to then interact with you as a business owner. Business owners who want more...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

SEO Trends

  How SEO Works Search engines like Google and Bing use complex algorithms to rank websites based on relevance and authority, which is called Search Engine Optimization (or SEO for short). These algorithms search engines use analyze various factors such as...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

What Pages Should a Business Website Have?

  Business Website Pages A business website is responsible for both promoting a business online as well as attracting potential new customers, so the content that business website carries is pretty important if we’re going to take full advantage of digital...
Cart Before the Horse

Small Business Failure

Small Business Failure Reality Most of the time small businesses stay small or simply go out of business unless they last beyond a set period of years (typically five in my experience) or are very organized and can effectively reach their target market. In fact,...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Reasons to Use

Introduction is a service that allows people of all types, whether they are business owners, entrepreneurs, or average people, to organize or attend online and in-person events with others of similar interest through their website. In a previous blog post,...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Downsides to Using

Pros and Cons of Using The following are some of my opinions based on having used Meetup as a event organizer and participant for years. I have nothing against the company itself and as of this writing don’t currently have any active Meetup groups. Reasons...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Four Factors to Digital Marketing Success

What is Digital Marketing Success? The four key factors to determining digital marketing success are essentially those elements that confirm you’re someone who can benefit directly from using digital marketing. Of course if you can’t directly benefit from digital...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Three Silos of Marketing Content

Defining the Three Types of Marketing Content In content marketing there is an established practice of putting types of content into sections or categories that are also referred to as “silos.” Just as Kanban exists as a way to help developers and digital...
Five Reasons DIY Marketing Does Not Work

Social Media Marketing Is Not Enough

Introduction A few years ago, I was contacted by a fairly large nonprofit organization, specifically their founder. She is an older woman in her late sixties to early seventies, very proud, nice enough in demeanor over the phone, with her chief issue being that she...

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